Thursday, September 24, 2009

HW # 3

Based on our classroom assignment regarding the "frontier," you will hand in a finished hand written letter about why you moved to the frontier, or an interview hand written about living on the frontier. I want to hang some of these up in the classroom, make sure they are perfect!

The assignment was given in class on Thursday 9/23

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Essay Topics

1. Compare colonial life in the Chesapeake with that in New England. Discuss how populations and ways of life differed. Also, explain how land use created a way of life in the Chesapeake that differed from that of New England. Include the views of Native Americans and that of the Colonists in regards to the land.

2. Discuss the causes and effects of the French and Indian War.
Include competition for the Ohio River Valley, Fort Duquesne, British Victories, and outcome of the war.

3. Why were family patterns different in the Chesapeake colonies that in New England?

Go to "import class documents" folder for video on these topics

Food from the Colonial Era

Click on the link above and look through some of the foods that were eaten during colonial times. Find something that you like and then talk to Mr. Ryan & Mr. Lopresti about possible cooking it yourself for a class grade.

More to come!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HW # 2

On my main webpage click on the "important class documents" link, go to United States History 1 folder and you will find the file for HW # 1. Complete both documents on the English colonies. You can do so by viewing them and writing the answers on looseleaf paper, or print them out and write the answers on them, or insert the answers in an email to me.

HW # 1

Log in to my grade book. Use the password I gave you in class to do this. You will find the link on my main webpage.